1300mAh Rechargeable Lithium Battery for Jammer
1300mAh Rechargeable Lithium Battery for Jammer
Product Description Have you ever been troubled with the power off situation when you just need the jammer device to help you in an important moment? How will you choose to do and what will you ask for help. The coming out of this 1300mAh Rechargeable Lithium  Battery for Jammer models JM110810, JM110811, JM110812 & JM110813 specially designed to Long tife and trouble free working of your JammersLong lasting feature can keep your jammer gadget running anytime you want to use it. Powerful one and convenient to be taken with you. Anytime you find your jammer device out of energy, you can pick it out and put it into the slot. Everything will be fine.What are you waiting for? Go and click one into cart!Specifications: Battery Capacity:1300mAh Battery Voltage:3.7V Accessories: Battery for Jammer’s Model JM110810, JM110811, JM110812 & JM110813

gps jammer Elk Grove

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