CDMA / GSM / DCS Radio Frequency Jammer Prison Jammer AC110V - 240V
CDMA / GSM / DCS Radio Frequency Jammer Prison Jammer AC110V - 240V
  CDMA / GSM / DCS Radio Frequency High Power Signal Jammer For Prisons / Military   Description:   Equipped with special high gain directional planar antenna or fiberglass omni-directional whip antenna, the jammer can effective block  CDMA/GSM/DCS /3G/ LTE/WIMAX .   Use the overseas advanced chip and technology . With independent modular design, it keeps high operation efficiency, and avoid mutual interference.   50 watts per band, total RF power 300 watts, also with power adjustable switches to control the radius range. It is suitable for prisons, detention houses, military bases, large oil fields and all other outdoor places where need the signal to block.       Specifications:   Output interface Shield band of frequency RF output powe Output power/channel CDMA 851 - 894 MHz 50dBm 27dBm/30KHz(min) GSM 925 -960MHz 47dBm 17dBm/30KHz(min) DCS 1805 - 1920 MHz 47dBm 17dBm/30KHz(min) 3G 2110 - 2170 MHz 47dBm 17dBm/30KHz(min) WIMAX 2300 - 2390 MHZ 47dBm 16dBm/30KHz(min) LTT 2620-2690 MHZ 47dBm 16dBm/30KHz(min) Power supply: AC220V   Shielding area: 200-800M @ according to signal density of mobile network Power consumption: 1500W  Weight:30Kg  Size(length × wind × high):460×390×260mm Humidity: 30%-95%                   Running Temperature: -20 to +55 Celsius Degree                                             Competitive Advantage:   1.with good cooling system, can operate for long time. 2.Using digital interference technology, overall effective suppression of target spectrum. 3.independent module design. Each module can separate switch,disassemble. So it is convenient for maintenance and update. 4. Perfect Alarm System, fully protected circuit in case of disconnection of antennas.   Application   1. To protect the the owner's benefits by cutting off the mobile phone signal 2 .For the needs of the army and military 3. For the guard place, prison use 4. For big party concourse 5 .For the leaders security use    

Adjustable Glonass Jammer

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Man used device to jam drivers' cell phone calls florida man fined $48,.
item: Adjustable Glonass Jammer - CDMA / GSM / DCS Radio Frequency Jammer Prison Jammer AC110V - 240V 4.5 17 votes